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holokinetic yoga

Yoga has become very popular in the West. There are many styles both in India and in the Western world.


Many people in the West believe that Yoga is only a physical practice to exercise the body. Others believe that yoga is a physical and mental practice that also serves to relax the mind and get greater concentration, while others see yoga as a spiritual practice. Yoga is definitely all that and can be much more, depending on how it is addressed.



Holokinetic Yoga Therapy, is as its name implies, a customized therapy practice. It contains elements of Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali , one of the oldest and most complete versions of Yoga and it includes complementary  multidimensional and unified variations.


This practice can help anyone in different physical states, because its main goal is to achieve energy balance and a greater awareness of  you thinking , feeling and doing . The physical part, our tangible body is our point of contact with our mental and emotional body.








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